When the number of friends and acquaintances asking me for personal finance advices exceeded what I can reasonably teach 1-on-1, I realized it would be more efficient to build a formal course on investing in stocks.

If you are like my friends you probably:

-Are overwhelmed by the amount and complexity of the information available online regarding investing

-Don't know who to trust between outdated financials gurus, shady sales reps/ financial advisors who just want to earn their fees or plain scammers that are after your money

The reasons I am a trusted by friends and acquaintances to teach personal finance

I am a self-taught expert:
  • Researched the main investment materials (Books, articles, podcasts...) to invest my poker gains early in my career
  • Wrote part of my doctorate thesis included valuations of some of my best performing investments
I received strong formal financial education and experience:
  • Strong experience in the financial industry while working for one of the world's most prestigious consulting firms
  • Master in Strategy & Business with a focus on Finance

I am not reinventing the wheel, but rather synthesized in a clear, no BS way, today's best investing strategy

I teach time proven investing strategies:
  • Methodologies advocated by world's most famous investors (e.g. Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch, Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey... just to name a few)

I teach strategies adapted to today's fast moving world:
  • Taking into considerations how the investing landscape evolved (e.g. brokers, fees, taxes...)

Course curriculum

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